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Technical Sales Engineer(Wireline Logging)—技术销售工程师(测井) [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游


  • 工作地点:深圳市
  • 要求行业:石油、石油化工、石化、润滑油、天燃气
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:大专
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:5年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


Job scope:Generate business and increase revenues through sales of Weatherford Wireline logging services which includes compact CWS logging, Casehole logging and mechanical services. Work closely with BU managers and Key Account Leaders to provide technical support and develop the business.Job duties and responsibilities:&ampamp#8226;1.1 To develop local proactive business strategies and opportunities with the Wireline Manager.&ampamp#8226;1.2 Make proposals following the strategy together with Wireline BU Manager.&ampamp#8226;1.3 Maintain the existing customer and establish new relations with key potential customers.&ampamp#8226;1.4 At all times be aware of our customers perception of the quality of services delivered, and feed this back to the wireline organization through excellent verbal and written communication with peers and supervisors.&ampamp#8226;1.5 At all times to have available the latest available information and presentation packages on assigned new technology tools. Visit customer and deliver presentation of new techniques.&ampamp#8226;1.6 At all times to be aware of operational resources and constraints, and assist Operations in all issues related to service delivery including pre-job preparation. Following and monitor the service tickets approval process.&ampamp#8226;1.7 To have complete understanding of existing contracts, including incentive schemes and price escalation clauses to maximize the value of the contract and reduce DSO.&ampamp#8226;1.8 Assist local and regional operations manager with annual and quarterly budgeting and forecasting.&ampamp#8226;1.9 To keep up to date on competitor strategies, services and technology, and communicate this information through appropriate channels.&ampamp#8226;1.10 To prepare contract documents for tenders that utilize the information gathered on client organizations, internal preferences and competitor strategies/services.&ampamp#8226;1.11 To generate all internal reports according to product line standards accurately and in a timely manner.Required Skills and knowledge:1. Good knowledge of sales and marketing in oil and gas industry as well as its best practices and broad base knowledge of core business.2. Good customer and employee interpersonal skills.3. Wireline logging field operation experience is essential. 4. Minimum of 5 years experience required in logging industry. 5. Oil industry related bachelor degree. Geophysics, petrophysics or related major.6. Both Openhole and Case hole logging experience over 5 years.


威德福(中国)能源服务有限公司是威德福国际公司在中国的作业公司。其母公司威德福国际公司是一家在纽约上市的大型跨国油田服务及设备企业,2007 年总资产130 亿美元,年营业额达78 亿美元,是全球四大石油服务公司之一。公司全球共有38000 多名员工,在100 多个国家和地区进行作业。威德福公司早于1985 年以威德福亚太公司的分支机构进入中国市场,20 多年以来,以其先进的技术,全面的设备和优秀的人员为中国各大油气田以及在中国作业的国际石油公司提供从钻完井到投产过程中所需的各种产品和服务。目前公司的服务范围已遍及全国所有海上和陆上油气田,客户包括中石油、中石化及中海油旗下各个分公司,以及康菲、道达尔、壳牌、科麦奇等多个国际石油公司。目前威德福公司在中国境内建立了三个服务基地,分别在北京、天津渤海及深圳蛇口,并且拥有位于天津的固井设备制造厂、胜利的螺杆泵制造厂和四川什邡的抽油机制造厂。除了这些本地资源,威德福更拥有强大的亚太区及全球的产品线队伍全力支持在中国的作业。现在,威德福公司在国际市场处于领先地位的欠平衡钻井、下管柱服务、井筒再进入、专利钻井工具、膨胀防砂管、传感、人工举升优化及螺杆泵等技术都在中国广泛使用。威德福(中国)能源服务公司的总部设在北京,主要进行公司的整体经营管理、市场销售决策、国内主要客户关系、各产品线作业协调等。威德福在南中国海地区的作业设施位于蛇口赤湾石油供应基地,那里有超过1800 平方米的库存管理仓库和4000 平方米的库外堆场,设有办公室、钨合金焊接区、工具检查区和管柱清洗区以及一个电子车间。威德福渤海基地始建于1997 年。2005 年6 月,我们将仓库移至更方便客户的渤海石油供应基地。在这里,我们有两个1500 平方米的封闭式车间,2500 平方米的堆场以及1670 平方米的管材存放场地。有意者请将中英文简历(请注明应聘职位及地区)电邮至: chinahr@ap.weatherford.com 或传真:ShenZhen: 0755-26693880 BeiJing: 010-65309957 TianJin: 022-66270076





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