石油人才网,国内专业的石油求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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船舶设计人员/船舶场地人员 -仪表通讯工程师 [ 投诉职位 ]






扁平管理 弹性工作


  • 工作地点:南通市
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:大专
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:5年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


通用要求: 5 (five) years ' experience in similar services as Instrumentation, Telecommunications or Automation engineer or similar in the Oil and Gas industry;  Knowledge of Applicable Codes and Standards, such as CS Rules, ISA etc. 设计岗位要求如下: Expert understanding of instrumentation detailed engineering design process and documents such as interconnection diagrams, loop diagrams, instrument data sheets, valve sizing and other instrumentation criteria, including hazardous areas requirements;  Expert understanding of automation detailed engineering design process and documents such as cause and effect matrix, automation architecture, work diagrams, automation software specification, automation systems ' interfaces, field panel design requirements;  Expert understanding of telecom detailed engineering design process and documents such as interconnection diagrams, work diagrams and telecom systems specifications and requirements;  Expert understanding of Automation, Instrumentation and Telecom equipment and material procurement requirements and sizing;  Expert understanding of the interfaces among Instrumentation, Telecom and Automation and the other disciplines of the Engineering design such as Process, Electrical, Mechanical etc.;  Experience in FPSO detailed engineering design 场地岗位要求如下: Reading/Interpretation of schematic drawings, arrangements, layouts, P &ampamp I drawings, data sheets and specifications;  Experience in services of preservation, calibrating, assembling, tests and commissioning of field instrumentation (electronic transmitters, control valves, pneumatic actuators, etc.) for offshore/marine units;  Knowledge in control systems (PLC and DCS) functional and field testing, including Safety, and Fire&ampamp Gas systems; Industrial Ether work; HMI Server; Ladder logic;  Expert understanding of equipment/material application in hazardous areas;  Expert understanding of factory test of the Instrumentation, Telecommunications and Automation equipment. 项目预计开始时间:22年年底简历 截止日期:22年10月24日 PM17:00简历要求:英文标准BV模板 项目地点:待定工制:6*9


Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a world leading conformity assessment and certification services provider in the fields of quality, health, safety, environment (QHSE) and social responsibility specialised in the inspection, analysis, audit, and certification of products, infrastructure (buildings, industrial sites, equipment, ships, etc.) and management systems in relation to regulatory or voluntary frameworks.Bureau Veritas is present in 140 countries through a work of over 900 offices and laboratories. It has more than 40,000 employees and a client base of more than 370,000 companies.In China, Bureau Veritas has over 6,000 employees and serves more than 7,000 clients 55 offices and laboratories in nearly 40 locations.For more information, please visit: www.bureauveritas.cn自1828年成立以来,必维国际检验集团一直不断地打造专业技能,帮助客户满足质量、健康与安全、环境和社会责任领域内的相关标准与法规要求。集团由区域和各地办事处组成的网络管理着客户关系并提供全面服务,包括检验、测试、审核、认证、船舶入级,以及与这些业务相关的技术支持、培训与外包。并且在需要时,必维国际检验集团还可以提供咨询服务。大型和小型组织,无论是私营的还是公共的,都可以依靠必维国际检验集团帮助他们保护各自的品牌、资产和业务。我们在风险管理和绩效改进方面都扮演着重要角色。必维国际检验集团拥有多领域技能,在全世界设有900多个办公室,330个实验室,员工总数48000人。因业务发展需要,现诚聘所列人员,有意者可以通过51JOB投递中英文简历,或将本人中英文简历,学历证明,相关证书,身份证复印件及薪金要求寄往上海市黄浦区外马路1288号,邮编200011 人力资源部收或者发送mail到职位描述中相关邮件地址(请注明应聘职位)Pls do add Job Code in the subject of your application email. 请申请者务必在邮件主题中表明所申请之职位代码。





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