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天然气净化厂自控工程师 [ 投诉职位 ]






五险一金 健全的晋升体制


  • 工作地点:北京市 青岛市 濮阳市
  • 年龄要求:25~50岁
  • 要求学历:大专
  • 招聘人数:2人
  • 工作经验:3年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


天然气净化厂自控工程师一、工作岗位:天然气净化厂自控工程师(1~2名)二、应聘要求:1.50周岁以下;大专及以上学历;有天然气处理厂、炼厂、化工厂、煤化工等领域工作经验,英语6级以上优先;2.天然气处理厂控制系统调试工作经验3年以上,仪表自动化专业;3.熟悉三种以上油气站场常见控制系统软件,并掌握控制原理; 4.具有编制投产运行程序文件经验,掌握文件编制要领;5.熟悉天然气处理厂仪表整体控制系统、装置单体控制系统常见问题、故障,能够判断并处理;6.具备组织人员开展控制系统测试工作能力。三、岗位职责:1.负责天然气处理厂控制系统调试,判断和处理仪表整体控制系统、装置单体控制系统常见问题和故障;2.收集本专业图纸文件资料;编写本专业投产运行程序文件以及汇报与记录材料;3.为操作人员提供本专业的技术指导和文件支持;指导监督现场操作人员的操作;定期组织人员开展控制系统测试。四、薪资待遇:1、月薪35000~50000(可议),上3个月休1个月,后期可能调整为上2休2。提供食宿,报销项目往返路费。2、各类型项目的锻炼和成长空间、公平的岗位晋升空间;3、三级甲等医院免费体检;4、雇主责任险;5、各类相关技术培训、英语培训等;6、新闻稿件发表、公司文体活动、管理创新、QA/QC、技术革新的参与和获奖机会。五、工作地点:伊拉克项目地项目介绍:主要装置包括:天然气收集、胺液脱酸、脱水、露点控制、硫磺回收、尾气处理、凝液处理单元、LPG脱硫、LPG提取、LPG装车,以及辅助和公共系统。项目整体建设旨在提供生产干气、LPG、C3/C4和硫磺产品。Automatic control engineerI、position: automation engineer (1~2)II. Apply for the request:1. Under the age of 45;College degree or above;Overseas oil and gas engineering work experience;Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, cet-6 or above is preferred;2. More than 3 years experience in debugging control system of natural gas treatment plant, majoring in instrument automation;3. Familiar with more than three kinds of common control system software of oil and gas station, and master the control principle; 4. Have experience in preparing English operation program files, and master the essentials of document preparation;5. Familiar with the overall control system of the instrument of the natural gas treatment plant and the common problems and faults of the single control system of the device, and able to judge and deal with them;6. Capable of organizing personnel to carry out control system testing.III、responsibilities:1. Responsible for debugging the control system of the natural gas treatment plant, judge and deal with common problems and faults of the overall control system of the instrument and the unit control system of the device;2. Collect drawings and documents of the major;Compile the operation procedure files and report and record materials of this major;3. Provide professional technical guidance and document support to operators;To guide and supervise the operation of site operators;Organize personnel to carry out control system test on a regular basis.Iv、Salary:1. Monthly salary: 35000~50000 (negotiable), 1 month off for the last 3 months, 2 days off for the later period.Provide room and board and reimburse the round-trip expenses of the project.2. Exercise and growth space for various types of projects, and fair promotion space for posts;3. Free physical examination (once a year);4. Employer's liability insurance (the maximum amount insured is RMB 1.5 million);5. Technical training (irregular), terrorism prevention training (once every two years), English training (remote participation), etc.6. News release, corporate cultural and sports activities, management innovation, QA/QC, technical innovation participation and award opportunities.V、Working place: IraqProject deion: the main devices include: natural gas collection, amine solution deacidification, dehydration, dew point control, sulfur recovery, tail gas treatment, condensate treatment unit, LPG desulfurization, LPG extraction, LPG loading, and auxiliary and public systems.The overall construction of the project aims to provide production of dry gas, LPG, C3/C4 and sulphur products.







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