石油人才网,国内专业的石油求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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海缘润达(北京)科技有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:北京市 北京市海淀区二里庄小区35号万和大厦318室
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
石油、天然气等能源是国民经济的重要支柱, 中国经济的持续增长需要持续的能源供给, 随着生产结构向低耗能的领域转变,石油需求总量将继续保持增长,从长远来看, 石油领域是一个具有非常光明前景的产业。 海缘润达(北京)科技有限公司是一家由具有十几年丰富经验的专业团队组成的进出口贸易和 技术咨询服务 公司,公司主营各种石油、石化工业的应用产品,为中国石油、石化的用户提供设备、材料及服务。 公司凭借其在该领域丰富的市场开发经验,良好的竞争能力和信誉,与世界著名企业保持着长期的合作关系。公司主要代理压缩机、膨胀机、制冷机、计量分析装置、 钻井固控设备、钢材 等石油专用产品。其中产品在西气东输、陕京二线、 大庆、胜利、辽河、 冀东(南堡)油田、国家石油储备基地等重大项目中得到了广泛的应用和认可。为中国石油、石化的工业建设做出了贡献,并提升了国外厂商的业绩和知名度。公司除运营进出口贸易及 技术咨询服务 主要业务外,还积极开发国际合作项目,向海内外企业提供石油专用设备、技术合作以及项目支持等业务。业务遍及北美、南美 、 中东、中亚等地区。其合作领域包括石油、天然气的勘探开发,储运、化工、炼化及油气计量等多个方面。HaiYuan Resources Dvpt. (Beijing) Technology CO., Ltd. (HYRD) is founded by a professional group with more than ten years experience and focuses on importing &ampamp; exporting trade and technology consulting service business . The major business is importing various equipments in petroleum and petrochemical industries, providing services for the CNPC and Sinopec,Coal Chemicals customers. HYRD has abundant market developing experience, strong competitive ability and reliable credit standing in the industries. The Company keeps a long kindly relationship with would famous companies. It is the agency for world famous petroleum equipment and general products such as, natural gas compressor, expander, industrial refrigerator, metering &ampamp; analysis facility, drilling and solid control equipment, steel products etc. Some of them have been applied and recognized in national important projects such as, West-East pipeline project, Shan-Jing Pipline Phase Ⅱ , Daqing, Shengli, Liaohe, Jidong (Nanpu) Oilfield ,national petroleum strategic storage base, etc. The company has been making great contribution to the customer and making foreign suppliers well-known in China. Besides the importing &ampamp; exporting trade and technology consulting service business , HYRD also carry on petroleum equipment, technological cooperation, and project support. Business involving oil &ampamp; gas exploration and development, storage, petrochemical, refinery and transportation, measurement and analysis, extends not only nationally, but also in North America, South America, dle East, dle Asia, etc.


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