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碧彩(上海)衡器技术有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址: 松江工业区东部新区茜浦路书慧置业园D-3
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
About BizerbaBizerba offers its customers in industry, trade, and logistics a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software around the central value "weight". This portfolio includes products and solutions related to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. A wide range of services consulting and service, labels and consumables to leasing complete the portfolio.Since 1866 Bizerba has made a significant contribution to the developments in the area of weighing technology and today is represented in 120 countries. The customer base includes globally operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With around 3.900 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Bizerba has been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, China and USA. Bizerba also has a global work of sales and service locations.关于碧彩…碧彩为工业、零售业和物流业客户,提供全球的围绕 “称重”核心技术的硬件和软件组合式解决方案。碧彩产品及解决方案涵盖切片、加工、称重、收银、检重、调试、灌装和贴标等各个领域,此外还提供咨询、标签耗材等综合性服务。自1866年以来,碧彩集团在称重技术应用领域的发展中发挥着显著作用。如今,碧彩业务遍布120个国家,客户类型覆盖全球贸易、工业企业、零售商、面包店、屠宰场等各个领域。总部位于德国巴登符腾堡州的巴林根Balingen的碧彩集团,历经了家族五代的传承,拥有着全球性的销售和服务网络,全球雇员超过3900人,生产基地覆盖:德国、奥地利、瑞士、意大利、法国、西班牙、中国和美国。公司地址:松江工业区东部新区茜浦路书慧置业园D-3 (公司有班车接送)有意者请将中英文简历发至resume.bizerba@bizerba.com


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